Optimisation of surface integrity model using response surface methodology for EDMed AISI D2 tool steel
by M.K. Pradhan; C.K. Biswas
International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems (IJMMS), Vol. 5, No. 5/6, 2012

Abstract: In this analysis, the influence of machining parameters, i.e., pulse current (Ip), pulse duration (Ton), duty cycle (Tau) and discharge voltage (V) on the surface roughness (Ra), surface crack density (SCD) and white layer thickness (WLT) of surface created in electrical discharge machining are examined. Experiments were carried out on AISI D2 steel work-piece materials using face centred central composite design. Applying the composite desirability function method, the optimal-setting of the parameters was obtained with a reduced number of experiments that needed to provide sufficient information for statistically acceptable results. Further, to make out the desirability region the overlaid contour plots were presented. The minimal condition for WLT, Ra and SCD were found to be a pulse current of 3 A, a pulse duration of 50 µs, a duty cycle of 80% and discharge voltage 40 volt. Under such optimum conditions, it was observed experimentally minimisation of the said responses.

Online publication date: Thu, 21-Aug-2014

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