Analysis of software as a service (SaaS) for software service provision alternative: a case study of e-office on demand service of PT. Telkom Indonesia
by Achmad Nizar Hidayanto; Yoke Yuni Karnida; Genta Moerita
International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL), Vol. 12, No. 3, 2012

Abstract: This research aims to explore how service providers can transform their focus from product-based into service-based by examining the e-office on demand offered by PT. Telkom Indonesia. We conduct a structured interview to evaluate the benefits, risks, challenges, sources of value creation in SaaS adoption and to study how the providers implement SaaS solution within their on-premise application. Our study shows that service providers have successfully managed the risks of SaaS and reaped SaaS benefits compared to project-based application. However, they consider customisation and integration are those issues that are still needed to be resolved.

Online publication date: Thu, 28-Aug-2014

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