Competence mining for virtual scientific community creation
by Sergio Rodrigues, Jonice Oliveira, Jano Moreira de Souza
International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC), Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004

Abstract: A problem currently faced is the inability of an organisation to know the competences that the organisation masters, thereby bringing forth greater difficulties to the decision-making process, planning and team formation. In the scientific environment, this problem prejudices the multi-disciplinary research and communities creation. We propose a technique to create/suggest scientific web communities based on scientists' competences, identified using their scientific publications and considering that a possible indication for a person's participation in a community is her/his published knowledge and degree of expertise. The project also proposes an analysis structure providing an evolutionary visualisation of the virtual scientific community knowledge build-up.

Online publication date: Wed, 07-Jul-2004

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