The working regime analysis of a track-type tractor
by Ticuşor Ciobotaru; Daniel Frunzeti; Ioan Rus; Lorentz Jäntschi
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (IJHVS), Vol. 19, No. 2, 2012

Abstract: The estimation of the vehicle acceleration performance plays an important role in the assessment of the vehicle mobility. The estimation becomes difficult in the case of tracked vehicles owing to the complexity of their power pack (consisting mainly of the engine and the hydromechanical transmission) and also because of the tracked running gear. Because of that, this case was taken into investigation and an algorithm was proposed. The algorithm is focused on the estimation of the acceleration performances. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm is compared with the experimental data resulted from the testing of a 50 tonnes tracked vehicle running up to 60 km/h, concluding that the model-based data are in good agreement with the experimental results.

Online publication date: Sat, 20-Dec-2014

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