Non-linear vibration response of laminated fibre-reinforced rectangular plates
by Alireza Shooshtari; Soheil Razavi
International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (IJVNV), Vol. 8, No. 1, 2012

Abstract: This paper investigates the non-linear free and forced vibration response of immovable simply-supported composite rectangular plates. The plates are symmetric and are subjected to a transverse pressure which is harmonic in time. A novel procedure is implemented to obtain the non-linear ordinary differential equation by using first order shear deformation theory and Galerkin method. The multiple time scales perturbation method is utilised to obtain an analytical closed-form expression for the non-linear frequency and frequency response equation of the studied plates. After validation of present study with available literature, the non-linear free and forced vibrations of a fibre-metal laminated plate, named Glare 3, have been investigated. Also, the effects of some system parameters on the non-linear frequency have been studied.

Online publication date: Fri, 29-Aug-2014

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