Flotation of copper residues with high oxidation and combination ratios
by Youcai Liu; Wei Yang; Jiangang Fu; Lifeng Li
International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering (IJMME), Vol. 3, No. 4, 2011

Abstract: Sulphidising flotation was employed to successfully recover copper residues with high oxidation and combination ratios and the main components of the mineral chrysocolla (CuSiO3). Sodium sulphide (Na2S), ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4) and ethylenediamine phosphate were used as the sulphidising agent, sulphidising accelerator and the activator, respectively. The proper dosage ratio of Na2S to (NH4)2SO4 was determined for optimal sulfidisation effect, and the effect of pulp pH on the sulphidising flotation was investigated. Meanwhile, the collaborated collecting action of two hydroximic acids was studied. From the close circuit test, copper concentrate with a grade of 11.82% and a recovery of 59.60% was obtained.

Online publication date: Fri, 17-Feb-2012

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