Selection and economical evaluation of solar desalination technologies via DesalSolar software
by Seyed Mojtaba Ladjevardi
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (IJETP), Vol. 7, No. 5/6, 2011

Abstract: Worldwide projection indicated that in 2020 the situation of water resources in Iran reach to scarcity. Besides, global warming and energy crisis have forced countries to use renewable energy resources. Solar desalination technologies particularly in remote area of Iran could be a method to emancipate from this crisis. In this paper, all kind of desalination technologies were reviewed. Then, Niroo Research Institute (NRI) solar radiation model considered for choosing most potential regions. The radiation map indicated that south part of Iran with annual average daily global irradiation 5.6 kWh/m² had inherent potential for applying solar desalination. Finally, selection and techno-economic evaluation of desalination technologies was performed in capacities from 1 m³/day to 100 m³/day under four South's Iran cities by applying DesalSolar simulation software. The result of investigation demonstrated that in all cases, reverse osmosis coupled to Photovoltaic system had best performance in terms of energy consumption, cost, and other criteria which was considered in assumption.

Online publication date: Thu, 26-Mar-2015

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