Model and solution to the product disassembly sequence planning
by Zhifeng Liu; Di Hu; Bingbing Li
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management (IJETM), Vol. 14, No. 5/6, 2011

Abstract: Disassembly has been one of the most important content in the product life cycle design. The old Disassembly Sequence Planning (DSP) model takes parts as objective, and does not consider incomplete disassembly, and interacting of different connection relationships of one part. Connection relationship between parts is the objective in this paper, and four constraints during the connection relationship removing process are given. This new model is based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm (SAA). In the case study, a simplified computer mainframe is analysed. The comparison results of two different DSP model show that new model is more effective and accurate.

Online publication date: Thu, 29-Jan-2015

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