Effective governance in e-government
by A. Seetharaman, Sreenivasan Jayashree, Govindan Marthandan, Perbaharen Balasubramaniam
International Journal of Business Excellence (IJBEX), Vol. 4, No. 4, 2011

Abstract: E-government development is one of the most discussed areas among practitioners and academics involved with the development of public administration today. Many countries have set ambitious plans for the planning and implementation of e-government initiatives. However currently, many countries are confronted with very slow progress. This paper attempts to study, understand and identify some of the factors critical to successful e-government implementation. The factors addressed in this paper are business models, critical success factors and stakeholders collaboration. In considering e-government initiatives, business models address how businesses are run and how revenue is generated. However business models are described as a coordinated plan to design strategy along the three vectors: customer interaction, asset configuration, and knowledge leverage. The critical success factors for the successful implementation of e-government are classified into organisational readiness and governing policies and practices. The management of stakeholders is crucial for the successful implementation of e-government. The main stakeholders usually are the government, public, private sector and the suppliers of software and hardware.

Online publication date: Sat, 27-Sep-2014

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