A design procedure for control of strictly proper non-minimum phase processes with input constraints and disturbance
by Ajiboye Osunleke, Mingcong Deng, Akira Yanou
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC), Vol. 13, No. 1/2, 2011

Abstract: In this paper, a robust anti-windup generalised predictive control (RAGPC) procedure for control of strictly proper non-minimum phase processes with input constraints and disturbance is proposed. Generally, non-minimum phase (NMP) systems are characterised by the inclusion of time delays and system uncertainties. In reality, the need to resolve the instability problem relating to control of processes with an unstable inverse is a strong motivation for the present work. Also, the inverse problem of strictly proper (SP) processes imposes a severe restriction on practical application. The new proposed procedure addresses these problems by designing a robust parallel compensator for realising a minimum phase system as well as resolving the inverse problem imposed by SP processes. Then, the right coprime factorisation of the augmented system having inversely stable factors is obtained. This procedure is completed by extending RAGPC design scheme to the augmented process. The effectiveness of this newly proposed design procedure is demonstrated through simulations of some real process models.

Online publication date: Sat, 21-Mar-2015

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