Uncovering the organisational modelling and business process modelling languages in the ARIS method
by Paulo S. Santos Jr., Joao Paulo A. Almeida, Thiago Lavarezi Pianissolla
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM), Vol. 5, No. 2, 2011

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an approach to excavate and define the metamodels of the organisational modelling and business process modelling languages of ARIS method. This approach uses information obtained with user interactions over the modelling environment called ARIS toolset and extra information from tool documentation. The application of this approach results on well-defined language metamodels, clarifying the language's main modelling elements and their relationships. The metamodels serve as a starting point for the definition of the semantics of the language and allow the construction of tools to manage modelling, simulation, analysis and transformation of organisational models and business processes. To validate the metamodels we define a set of transformations which enables one to create instances of the metamodels using as a starting point models in the ARIS toolset serialisation format (the ARIS markup language-AML).

Online publication date: Wed, 18-Mar-2015

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