Reflections on reincarnation, coincidences, Organisational Karma, Soul Groups and its implication for business organisational success
by Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 4, No. 3, 2011

Abstract: The concept of reincarnation and rebirth is in the realms of the mystic world much beyond the world of science, reasoning and logic. But some modern age thinkers whom we can call as the knowledgeable citizens and seers of the Spiritual and Metaphysical World are proposing that reincarnation and rebirth are reality of not this life but life and living in general. Some of them have advocated about the existence of the Spiritual World beyond the Physical World. Some thinkers have also proposed the concept of Soul Groups which thus brings rich and very novel insights regarding organisational context. Since ancient times, both the oriental and accidental religious teachings had talked about the Law of Karma for individuals; this paper discusses the case of Organisational Karma. Furthermore, this paper talks about the concept of the happening of meaningful coincidences in parallel or in series which shapes the destiny of individuals. This paper reviews this from an organisational perspective. Given this conceptual background and understanding this paper attempts to understand the importance of organisational success and attempts to develop a conceptual model regarding the same.

Online publication date: Sat, 31-Jan-2015

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