Phase teaching model for subnetting IPv4
by Jameson Mbale, Kauna Mufeti
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (IJITST), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2011

Abstract: The phase teaching model subnetting IPv4 (PTMS-IP4) is an automated system which calculates the subnet of a network. It demonstrates step by step all the stages involved in subnetting. The PTMS-IP4 procedural model, implements the three phases that help the network or internet engineering people to grasp all the steps involved in subnetting. The system first computes the subnet mask into binary. The obtained binary is typically used on the formula 2n – 2 to calculate both the number of subnets and hosts in a subnet. From the binary mask the ones (1s) are used to determine the number of subnets, whereas the zeros (0s) calculate the number of hosts. Thereafter the PTMS-IP4 calculates the subnet permutations that display the hosts in each subnet. Not only is the system useful as a teaching model, it could also help the network or internet engineers to easily subnet complex networks.

Online publication date: Sat, 29-Nov-2014

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