Context-based citation retrieval
by S. Sendhilkumar, G.S. Mahalakshmi
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNVO), Vol. 8, No. 1/2, 2011

Abstract: Scientific writing requires gathering information, evaluating it, and using and citing the work of others as references. These references should be relevant and provide more information to the context where they have been cited, thereby providing ease of understanding to the readers. In the process, relevant references are manually selected and cited by the document creator, but a few relevant papers may be left unnoticed by him/her. But a context-based reference system automatically retrieves relevant reference papers that are candidates for citation in the selected context of a seed document, thereby aiding the document creator to refer to unnoticed references and check the relevancy of already cited ones. In the context-based citation retrieval system, relevant references are filtered after mapping the concepts with the domain ontology and document ontology. The filtered results are then ranked based on factors like publication and the type of paper after user feedback.

Online publication date: Sat, 21-Feb-2015

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