Metaheuristic control of substrate concentration for an activated sludge process
by Fotis N. Koumboulis, Nikolaos D. Kouvakas, Maria P. Tzamtzi, Anna Stathaki
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC), Vol. 10, No. 1/2, 2010

Abstract: In this paper, a two-stage linear dynamic control scheme, using a metaheuristic approach, will be developed to control the effluent substrate concentration of an ASP. In the first stage, a static output feedback controller will be designed, using only measurements of the oxygen concentration. In the second stage, an asymptotic non-linear estimator of the substrate concentration will be used and the estimate will be fed back through a PI controller. In particular, the model of the ASP will be presented both in its non-linear and linearised form. Based on the linearised approximation, a static inner loop controller will be designed using a metaheuristic search algorithm for the computation of the controller parameters. Following, an outer PI controller will be designed based on the linearised model, again using a metaheuristic search algorithm in order to compensate the influence of the non-linearities when the static controller is applied to the non-linear model. The performance of the overall closed loop system will be illustrated through simulation experiments.

Online publication date: Fri, 02-Jul-2010

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