A new approach for health insurance customer relationship support through hybrid mining based system
by Shrane Koung Chou, Fuchung Wang
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (IJECRM), Vol. 3, No. 4, 2009

Abstract: The information and knowledge gained by hybrid mining can be used for applications. In health insurance domain, hybrid mining more than just helps management to identify healthcare fraud and abuse, instead addressing the broader application to make a wise decision with respect to improved customer relationship. While data mining methods are so powerful to master by users to facilitate customer relationship, this study introduces an approach which integrate decision support system with hybrid mining approach in health insurance customers' management to synthesise what is known about business value and guide future research. Meanwhile, we investigate the characteristics of the approach to show how it can aid in customer' management and provide policy information for insurance decision making. The approach can be used as a template for such evaluation by researcher and practicer before, during and after the completion of their data mining projects in customer relationship management (CRM).

Online publication date: Wed, 18-Nov-2009

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