Societal reaction to the power frequency electric and magnetic field effects of electric utility systems
by Stephen A. Sebo, Eva A. Sebo
International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM), Vol. 19, No. 3/4/5, 2000

Abstract: The power frequency electric and magnetic field (EMF) effects are associated with the transmission and distribution lines of electric utility systems, and also with work environments, office machines, illumination sources, home appliances, computers, etc. Most of these facilities are considered indispensable components of everyday life in population centres, office complexes and industrialised areas. The EMF effects caused by power frequency electric utility systems and facilities are reviewed first. Then the paper reviews typical public reactions through a number of case studies. The approach that can be taken by electric utility companies to assure public participation and awareness of transmission and distribution system expansion is also discussed.

Online publication date: Mon, 07-Jul-2003

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