Customer communication in distance shopping: how to reveal complexities through socio-pragmatic conversation analysis
by U. Larsson, G. Goldkuhl, B-M. Johansson
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (IJECRM), Vol. 3, No. 3, 2009

Abstract: In order to find the most appropriate fit between media to use and density of interaction in distance shopping, a thorough analysis of customer communication is needed. In this paper, the authors present two examples of such in-depth analysis (e-mail and telephone conversations). These analyses are based on a socio-pragmatic communication framework. The result uncovers deep complexities in the communication process between employees of distance selling companies and their customers. This complexity includes a number of different areas, such as the change of topicalisation of a conversation and context-dependence. The analysis of these customer conversations has also been translated into possible recommendations for customer communication.

Online publication date: Sat, 22-Aug-2009

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