A forecasting and allocation model for vaccine resource demand
by Shyue-Ping Chi, Ruey-Kei Chiu, Chen K. Feng
International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR), Vol. 3, No. 2, 2009

Abstract: The system employs the models of ARIMA and neural network, to forecast the relative demand for designated vaccines. The results generated by the two models are further used to estimate of annual workload and the amount of vaccine demand, so that the proper and reasonable demand and cost spent may be decided in making decision for preparation, budgeting and purchasing. The contribution of this research is providing a scientific and objective quantisation measurement of the return on investment to newly implementation of NIIS. Meanwhile, it can also be taken in making better decision for the further investment in this system.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-May-2009

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