Countermeasures against air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in Shanxi Province
by Stein Erik Sorstrom
International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP), Vol. 12, No. 1, 1999

Abstract: This paper describes how the Shanxi Environmental Protection Agency and SINTEF have acted on the recommendations of a joint study by UNEP and the National Environmental Protection Agency of PR China (NEPA) to implement the following cooperation programme: to establish the Shanxi Centre for Energy and Environment; to develop a masterplan against air pollution in Shanxi province; and to initiate pilot projects with cleaner technologies. The work has so far (1997) been funded by Norwegian Agency for Development Aid (NORAD). Further action will however require contribution from a number of other sources, such as the Global Environment Facility, private companies, investment banks and governments. The results from our work have shown that such efforts, in a region like Shanxi province, give environmental cost benefits far ahead of most other places in the world.

Online publication date: Wed, 13-Aug-2003

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