Generation 'Z' skills for knowledge-based ecosystemic change: a systematic literature review on Industrial 4.0
by Chandra Kant Upadhyay
International Journal of Creative Computing (IJCRC), Vol. 2, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: The gap in technology innovation that exists across nations is a significant problem that needs to be overcome by cooperation and collaboration throughout the countries. The aim of this paper is thus two-fold. First study focuses on systematic and comprehensive literature review to understand the present status of research done on this area. Secondly, a roadmap of growth is the need of the hour to achieve inclusive sustainable development. The next generation belongs to individuals and mostly groups who work as a team thinking creatively, developing new products and services with the latest methods and technologies, keeping in mind the social requirements. A framework has been proposed to understand the overall scenario of the stakeholders like Gen Z and current requirements. The skill imparted to the graduates is not in line with the industry requirement, at times creating huge problems like unemployment and needs to be imparted.

Online publication date: Wed, 20-Sep-2023

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