IoT trust aggregation using hybrid outlier detection and consensus
by Vishwanath G. Garagad; Nalini C. Iyer
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNET), Vol. 41, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Trust modelling and management strategy used identify and mitigate threats by malicious devices rely on peer recommendations to compute trustworthiness. Aggregating opinions from independent devices is crucial in such recommendation-based systems to arrive at a consensus for decision making. Existing aggregation techniques like arithmetic mean, geometric mean (weighted/non-weighted), and maximum/minimum functions ignore the risk of biased and uncertain recommendations. To encounter such vulnerabilities, we propose a novel trust assessment model, outlier and uncertain recommendation-based trust management (OUR-Trust). It uses an outlier elimination and similarity-based scheme to evaluate the recommender's credibility before aggregation for consensus and decision making. The model employs revised Dempster-Shaffer combination rule for aggregation, which considers the uncertainty factor. Effectiveness of proposed approach is analysed for a dynamic and heterogeneous IoT network of dynamic and heterogeneous devices. OUR-Trust is validated for storage, power-efficiency, and scalability in terms of convergence time for more extensive IoT networks that employ recommender systems.

Online publication date: Wed, 03-May-2023

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