Enhanced video-on-demand security in cloud computing against insider and outsider threats
by Mohammad H. Alshayeji; Sa'ed Abed
International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN), Vol. 17, No. 1, 2022

Abstract: Many video-on-demand (VoD) providers leverage the benefits of cloud computing despite the stemming various security threats. For instance, if the hosted multimedia contents are not encrypted, then the VoD providers must fully trust that the cloud provider will not illegitimately access, distribute, or modify the multimedia contents. Nonetheless, the latest ENISA report showed that approximately 25% of security threats over the last six years have been based on internal misuse. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective scheme to protect contents from internal and external threats. Encrypt once - confidentiality, privacy, and integrity (EO-CPI) focuses on protecting data confidentiality, integrity, and users' privacy from untrusted cloud-based VoD systems. We compared EO-CPI with advance encryption standard - Galois counter mode (AES-GCM). Results demonstrated a significant reduction of 79% of the server-side computational overhead when using EO-CPI with a re-encryption degree of one time per five users while preserving the user-side performance.

Online publication date: Tue, 03-May-2022

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