Development of local sport: case study
by Mariola Mamcarczyk; Łukasz Popławski
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (IJTGM), Vol. 15, No. 2, 2022

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to present the development of local sport illustrated with an example of the Wadowice poviat in Poland. The inhabitants were asked about their opinions with the use of the questionnaire on determinants of the sport infrastructure development (finances, support of the authorities and inhabitants' expectations). As the inhabitants of the poviat emphasise, in their opinion, the commune where they live should develop sport infrastructure, support the improvement of sportsmen's and coaches' training, create a real plan of development of sport in the commune and support sport organisations to obtain funds for their development. The respondents' opinions (inhabitants-parents and sportsmen) are so unpredictable that it is difficult to define any dependencies which could help suitable officials of the self-government unit to decide unanimously as for the conducted policy of the sport development in the territory of the commune.

Online publication date: Mon, 14-Mar-2022

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