A study on occupational health hazards among construction workers in India
by Ravi Kumar Gupta
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM), Vol. 12, No. 4, 2021

Abstract: Construction work is one of the most hazardous works across the globe. The workers involved in the construction industry are being underpaid and extremely vulnerable to the occupational health hazard and absence of social security mechanism. The construction workers' probabilities of exposure to risks of a workplace accident are high. The workers are exposed to a host of hazardous substances, which has the potential to cause serious health and occupational diseases. They are being exploited in the terms of low wage, non-availability of social security, work with low payment and sexual harassment at workplace. The paper examines the present health status of the construction workers in the Gorakhpur City of Uttar Pradesh, India. Primarily, it examines details of accidents in past five years, reasons of workplace accidents, illness/injury and treatment, man-days and income lost due to illness and hospitalisation. The result shows that the workers are extremely vulnerable to occupation health hazards.

Online publication date: Tue, 14-Dec-2021

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