The incorporation of environmental issues in the Simmelian metropolis: a (de)construction in light of the Bourdieusian sociology
by Rafael Borim-de-Souza; Jacques Haruo Fukushigue Jan-Chiba; Beatriz Lima Zanoni
International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSOC), Vol. 13, No. 2, 2021

Abstract: This theoretical essay was developed with the objective of (de)constructing, by means of a Bourdieusian interpretation, the incorporation of environmental issues in the Simmelian metropolis. Regarding the consideration of environmental issues in the social construction of the metropolitan reality, some reflections were reached, which are exposed in sequence. The metropolis is an ideological archetype that debates the environment from within itself, which is why the metropolitan shares environmental concerns only if it is effectively threatened by them, a consequence of its objective relationships, which place too much value on the occupational aspect of life in the metropolis. The metropolitan social order, by countless media devices, legitimises the submission of the environment to the socio-economic interests of those who reside in the metropolis. Linked to this aim, dissociations of voices that diverge from the metropolitan environmental ideal are necessary to guarantee less conflicting socialisation of environmental issues.

Online publication date: Tue, 03-Aug-2021

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