Scalable and efficient routing protocol for internet of things by clustering cache and diverse paths
by Zhiqiang Ruan; Haibo Luo
International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES), Vol. 14, No. 2, 2021

Abstract: This paper proposes SENR, a scalable and efficient named-based routing protocol for the internet of things (IoT). SENR explores semantic notification and opportunistic caching strategy to enhance the data retrieval efficiency for smart systems. First, SENR performs data aggregation according to the hierarchy of namespace, and stores data over in-network storage node. It also marks each route notification at the edge nodes, and allows the interest with the same name prefix to choose the same edge routing node towards to the storage node. Second, SENR adopts link-state routing protocols to collect network topology and compute the shortest path to the content source nodes, moreover, it uses distance-vector routing protocols to select multiple alternative paths to cope with node failures. Third, SENR employs partial routing update to explicit support of dynamic paths and caching capabilities. Simulation results demonstrate that SENR can significantly reduce the content retrieval delay and routing overheads.

Online publication date: Wed, 31-Mar-2021

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