Fuzzy sliding mode control for a class of non-linear continuous systems
by Najib Essounbouli, Abdelaziz Hamzaoui, Janan Zaytoon
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 27, No. 2/3, 2006

Abstract: In this work, a fuzzy sliding mode control for a non-linear uncertain and disturbed system is presented. Two adaptive fuzzy systems are used to determine the equivalent control signal. To overcome the design constraints in the classical sliding mode control, an adaptive fuzzy system and an attenuation term are introduced in the control law. A PID adaptation law is used to update the adjustable parameters of this fuzzy system. The synthesised controller efficiently eliminates the chattering phenomenon without requiring any particular knowledge about the upper bounds of either the external disturbances or the approximation errors. The simulation results illustrate the tracking performances of the proposed method.

Online publication date: Thu, 19-Oct-2006

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