Cooperative evaluation mechanism based on the optimal decision of DE-CA-CR
by Cui Guotao; Zhang Ying
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 61, No. 1/2, 2019

Abstract: University-enterprise deep cooperation is the important measure to overcome the vocational education development bottleneck. However, owing to the restrictions of factors such as market environment, school-enterprise cooperation system and mechanism, the school-enterprise cooperation is just at a junior level and forms no benign interaction between them. This paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation index system of university-enterprise cooperation through the stakeholder analysis method and builds the university-enterprise deep cooperation evaluation model combined with DEA-CCR optimal decision. Besides, based on previous research and survey, the paper tries to analyse the problems in school-enterprise cooperation and influencing factors from the perspective of the enterprise, thus to establish the school-enterprise cooperation performance evaluation model and conduct verification through real-life examples.

Online publication date: Fri, 06-Sep-2019

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