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International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies

International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies (IJTCS)

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International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • COVID-19 disruptions driving sustainable tourism: a case of the Hawaiian tourism industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Maryanne Eva, Mark Esposito 
    Abstract: This study inquires about the COVID-19-generated momentum and how it resulted in transformative opportunities for the hard-hit tourism industry in Hawai’i. It also investigates the type of sustainability-based management strategies that were favoured by actors from the industry to help navigate uncertain times and capture transformative opportunities. Findings indicate that actors from the tourism industry in Hawai’i perceived the COVID-19 pandemic as a huliau, or a point of transformation, to reflect and re-evaluate the tourism industry’s responsibility and shift toward a recovery focused on sustainability. This research confirms that the pandemic-driven momentum accelerated opportunities for changing and transforming traditional business models and indicators of progress within the tourism industry in Hawai’i. Further research may explore additional Pacific Island countries to gain a deeper understanding of the problem within the region’s context.
    Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; disruption; green economy; Hawai’I; innovation; Malama; recovery; resilience; small island economy; shared value; transformation; sustainable tourism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTCS.2024.10062535
  • Misunderstandings about social problems and social value in solving social problems   Order a copy of this article
    by Chi Nghia Nguyen 
    Abstract: Though there have been many approaches to dealing with social problems in recent years, the concepts of social value have yet to be discussed thoroughly. Upon examining these concepts in existing studies and testing them with two case studies, the article shows that there is the possibility that a groups shared wants may not be widely recognised as a social problem, and targeting these unserved populations is a precondition for solving social issues. It is essential to identify hidden social problems by understanding what is still left, the number of people sharing the same want, the severity of the unmet want, and the possible resources for solution generation. Social value in its narrower definition means meeting the satisfaction of the group sharing the same want, while in its broader definition, it means meeting the satisfaction of wider society. Finding workable solutions involves not only the group of people sharing the same want but also others who do not have the same want but who do recognise the importance of acknowledging the want of the subgroup.
    Keywords: social value; value; shared want; the severity of the unmet want; social problems; misunderstandings.

  • Case study: when a bright idea creates a business dilemma   Order a copy of this article
    by Lee Tyner, M. Suzanne Clinton 
    Abstract: Bright Lights has a history of success, but is at a pivotal point, facing the pains of strategic change. One salesperson has found a way to maintain sales and increase profit margin, but it requires operating between the lines of ethical boundaries. Ethics provides a choice between right and right as opposed to moral temptation of right and wrong (Kidder, 1996). As the case unfolds, Jim receives a mandate of which customers he can call on, reducing sales, profit margin, and customer satisfaction. A top performer, Jim finds a solution within company policy and the law, but although not hidden, is not entirely transparent. This creates two ethical decisions: 1) Should he be reprimanded or praised? 2) Should the company update policies to ban his actions, or promote his actions among other salespeople? This case clearly strikes the dilemma found in navigating the boundaries of a questionable business strategy.
    Keywords: ethics; ethics case study; human resource management; human resource policy; human resource strategy; sales; sales policy; business dilemma; decision making; teaching case study.