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International Journal of Remanufacturing

International Journal of Remanufacturing (IJREM)

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International Journal of Remanufacturing (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Product sustainability optimisation through the remanufacturing process   Order a copy of this article
    by Melesse Workneh Wakjira, H. Altenbach, Perumalla Janaki Ramulu 
    Abstract: The industry is not, however, without the potential to overcome the resource waste and environmental problems, often associated with the manufacturing process, by adopting, inter alia, a circular economy strategy known as remanufacturing for product sustainability. Based on this, the present work is aimed the remanufacturing strategy for optimising product sustainability. The exercise is based on the experiences of remanufacturing in advanced nations, which is used as an empirical context for exploring the scope for adopting the remanufacturing industrial practice in Ethiopia. A case study is invoked, which focuses on the HMMB industry, where the conditions for engaging in remanufacturing are apparent. Benefits for remanufacturing enterprises, like HMMBI, are employment generation, skill development, savings in material and energy resource use, cost reduction, and improvements in profitability and environmental performance. Remanufacturing practice is consistent with the triple win case of sustainability in which social, economic and environmental gains are optimised.
    Keywords: remanufacturing; product sustainability; circular economy; job opportunities; skilled employment; enterprise development; cost saving; CO2 emissions; triple win.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJREM.2022.10049715