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International Journal of Emergency Management

International Journal of Emergency Management (IJEM)

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International Journal of Emergency Management (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • A compendious review of agent-based disaster management   Order a copy of this article
    by Sarah Ibri 
    Abstract: Ongoing research has shown the effectiveness of agent technology in modeling and simulating disaster management systems and dealing with related activities such as risk assessment, victim search and rescue, evacuation operations and many other disaster management processes. In this paper we provide a comprehensive review of agent-based disaster management research in view of understanding the benefits and potential opportunities of applying agent modeling and simulation to support managers at different disaster phases. The review has revealed that the potential contribution of agent technology to disaster management lays in its inherent capacity to cope with issues such as human behaviour simulation, dynamic and distributed decision making under uncertainties, cooperative planning and optimization, learning and prediction as well as other associated problems. The review helps readers to identify current challenges related to agent-based disaster management that are considered worthy for future research and publication.
    Keywords: agent-based models; multi-agent systems; agent-based simulation; disaster management; risk mitigation; evacuation; search and rescue.