Title: HazMat transportation by heavy vehicles and road tunnels: a simplified modelling procedure to risk assessment and mitigation applied to an Italian case study

Authors: B. Fabiano, E. Palazzi

Addresses: Chemical and Process Engineering Department G.B. Bonino (DICheP), Engineering Faculty, University of Genoa, Via Opera Pia, 15, I-16145, Italy. ' Chemical and Process Engineering Department G.B. Bonino (DICheP), Engineering Faculty, University of Genoa, Via Opera Pia, 15, I-16145, Italy

Abstract: There are various factors influencing the occurrence of road accidents, among which mechanical, environmental, behavioural, physical and road intrinsic descriptors may be mentioned. In facing the routing problem, a realistic evaluation of the frequency must take into account on one side inherent parameters and attributes of the road, on the other side factors correlated to traffic. A framework of general applicability is presented and applied to an Italian case study in order to assess and evaluate the risk connected to dangerous goods transportation by heavy vehicles (HV). Possible restrictions and alternatives connected to rerouting are analysed, considering in-depth the risk for a possible tunnel alternative route. The problem of tunnel option and related accident scenarios for HV are discussed, so to select proper risk mitigation measures, inherent to HV and to tunnel. Regarding the last issue, a novel analytical model for solving the ventilation design for both plane and sloping tunnels is presented.

Keywords: boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion; BLEVE; dangerous goods; road accidents; HazMat transportation; road tunnels; ventilation models; heavy vehicles; hazardous materials; modelling; risk assessment; risk mitigation; Italy; ventilation design; vehicle crashes.

DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.2010.035988

International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2010 Vol.17 No.3/4, pp.216 - 236

Published online: 11 Oct 2010 *

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