Automating the processing of cDNA microarray images
by P. Liatsis, M.A. Nazarboland, J.Y. Goulermas, X.J. Zeng, E. Milonidis
International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA), Vol. 5, No. 1/2, 2008

Abstract: This work is concerned with the development of an automatic image processing tool for DNA microarray images. This paper proposes, implements and tests a new tool for cDNA image analysis. The DNAs are imaged as thousands of circularly shaped objects (spots) on the microarray image and the purpose of this tool is to correctly address their location, segment the pixels belonging to spots and extract the quality features of each spot. Techniques used for addressing, segmentation and feature extraction of spots are described in detail. The results obtained with the proposed tool are systematically compared with conventional cDNA microarray analysis software tools.

Online publication date: Mon, 05-May-2008

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